Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday Slim Down Report

It’s Slim Down Saturday.  And the number on the scale this week was 3.0 pounds lower than last week!  So my total weight loss to date is 10.2 pounds.  Today is Day 19, and I still have 71 more days to go on the Nature's Sunshine 90-Day Summer Slim Down Challenge.  It could be a long, hard slog.

I’ve been walking almost every day, and substituting protein shakes for at least one meal a day.  I have been eating mostly veggies, fruit, a few nuts, oatmeal once a week, and Greek yogurt.  This week, inspired by Joe Cross’s 2010 award-winning documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, and with the encouragement of my cousin aka “Coach” Jeannie, I’m going to transition to a juice fast, at least for a few days.

I splurged on a new juicer.  It has replaced the seldom-used bread machine on my kitchen counter.  I also got a book filled with tasty looking juice, smoothie and tea recipes, The Juicing BIble (2nd Edition) by Pat Crocker.

Hmmm. I wonder if Pat Crocker is related to Betty?  Only kidding.  As the former South Dakota Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow for 1971, I know that Betty Crocker is a fictionalized person, invented by one of the grain milling companies that eventually merged into General Mills.  If they were related, they probably would be feuding, since Betty is the icon for refined and over-processed convenience foods.

I’m hoping my hubby will also drink at least one healthy juice drink per day.  He’s found some recipes that looked pretty tasty.  That’s encouraging!  He’s usually not too keen on fruits and veggies. 

Happy weekend!



  1. Congrats on the weight loss! My hubby was "not too keen" on fruits and veggies, either, until I got a magic bullet. Now, he thinks it is his! He makes his own smoothies and I just grin. It's getting more fruits into him than ever before!

  2. Yahoo! 10+ pounds is great progress!
    Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow? I'm going to go ahead and guess that award isn't around so much any more!

    1. Ha.Ha. You're right. They changed the name to "Family Leader of Tomorrow" when guys started taking the test and applying for the scholarships. But then they discontinued it -- probably in the 80s. It was a $2000 scholarship---and back in the day, that paid for 2 years of college at a state university, so it was worth all the teasing I got. (I'm not a great cook!!)

  3. Congrats on your weight loss! Hope and your hubby enjoy your new juicer too! My hubby makes smoothies but I don't ever have any. Maybe I should try it sometime!

    1. I'm just doing juices for now.
      Smoothies sound REALLY good, though.

  4. Leann! You are putting me to shame! I'm so afraid to get on the scale because I'm terrified of the number.

    You keep up the good work and I will try to hang in there with you. It sure is harder than it used to be.

    1. I hear ya! I had to buy a scale when I started the challenge. It had been a long time since I'd stepped on one--and the number was pretty big and scary. But at least it's getting smaller.

  5. Congratulations on the weight loss and desire to be healthier! Your commitment is admirable! (sending encouraging vibes!)
    I make smoothies often--so yummy!
    GOOD carrot juice made from good tasting carrots is so delicious. I like it with just a touch of red beet juice.
    South Dakota Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow! That must have been pretty exciting! (I saw your note above about the prize money. That's great.)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! I'll watch for carrots at the farmer's market next weekend. My "usual" juice is kale, cucumber, celery, lemon, apple and ginger.
      Healthy, but not so hot in the taste department.

  6. Congrats on your continued weight loss. 10 lbs is awesome!
    You'll have to be sure and share your favorite juice recipes :)

    1. Thanks, Edi! Hmm--which recipes to share....I'll ponder that.
